What does a Notary do?

What does a Notary do?

Notaries in England and Wales deal with, and produce, documents which are to be used abroad, in foreign legal jurisdictions. Some documents will only be accepted overseas if they bear the signature and seal of a Notary.

A Notary’s primary duty is to ensure that his/her Notarial Act may be relied upon any anyone, anywhere in the world, who may receive the document. This is one of the ways in which a Notary is different to a solicitor: a solicitor’s primary duty is to his/her client.

Notaries in England and Wales may also conduct conveyancing and probate work within England and Wales, but most Notaries who do this work are also solicitors, and conduct this work as solicitors.

The role of a Notary in England and Wales is unique.  In other countries, Notaries only conduct domestic legal business.