Before we meet
The more information you can send me in advance, the quicker I can deal with your document for you.
It will help me if I can see a draft of the document you need notarising, together with the contact details of the person overseas who has advised you that you need to see a Notary.
I may also need to arrange for your document to be translated before I can notarise it. If you send me your document in advance, I can advise you further about this before we meet.
Here’s a checklist of the things you can do in advance to help things go smoothly:
- Tell me, briefly, what the transaction or matter is all about, and why you have been told that you need to see a Notary
- Send me the draft document(s) – ideally in electronic format by email to so that I can make changes if they are required
- Tell me what country your document is to go to, so that I can consider any Apostille or Legalisation requirements
- Give me the contact details for the person abroad who has advised you that your document needs to be notarised.
- If you have had any instructions from the lawyer or other professional who drafted the document, please send those as well. It will save time if I can check with him or her in advance whether the country in which the document is to be used has any particular rules about signing, ink colour etc
- If you are a business, please tell me the business status of the person I will meet
- Please check the draft document carefully for errors. Watch out especially for spelling mistakes in your name and address, or in your passport number.